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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 5-8-2017

Artist Statement

I have always been interested in storytelling and books of a wide variety of genres. More specifically, I am attracted to well-developed narrative illustrations that enhance and expand the intent of a story. Therefore, much of my artmaking is influenced by western and eastern animation, sci-fi/horror literature, and comics/mangas from companies like Shonen Jump, Marvel, Dark Horse, Funimation, and DC. I’m strongly influenced by the artists known as Simon Bisley and Josan Gonzales for similar and different reasons. They both have a vivid and graphic way of drawing that has a lot of movement and intensity to it. Bisley’s vibrant and high contrast use of color and Gonzales’s attention to detail and creative construction techniques have both inspired me greatly.

I draw a large variety of characters, worlds and concepts for comic books based upon my own writing. Often, I approach my art as storyboards for larger sequential art making, even if they exist by themselves. Stylistically, I work mostly with line but use a good amount of texture, shape, and color as well. My work is Primarily in ink, using graphite only to construct figures before inking them. My line work includes hatching, cross-hatching, stippling, scribbles, and various patterns to give illusions of textures and shading. In each class I take, my many imaginary worlds come with me and end up manifesting within class assignments, allowing me to develop my skills of bringing the characters and their worlds to life.


Timothy M Martin


All are mixed media such as Ink, Graphite, Alcohol-based markers, Oil-based markers, acrylic paint on Canson illustration paper, and Digital. Drawings are made on 9x12 or 11x17 illustration paper and then scanned, from then i finish them digitally on photoshop, generally at sizes of 20x20, 30x30, or 20x30.

Professional Practices



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