"Sara Hutson: Senior Work" by Sara A. Hutson



Download Thumbnail Sheet (1.3 MB)

Download Sara Hutson, Silence, Adobe Illustrator, 3025 px X 3008 px, 2014 (164 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Red Panda Ad, Adobe Illustrator, 2700 px X 3600 px 2014 (469 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Red Panda Illustration, Illustrator, 1062 px X 1126 px, 2014 (151 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Red Panda Ad Pattern, Illustrator, 666 px X 1026 px, 2014 (132 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Annual Report Cover, Adobe InDesign, 1196 px X 928 px, 2016 (104 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Annual Report Detail, InDesign, 1202 px X 462 px, 2016 (41 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Annual Report Detail, InDesign, 1202 px X 462 px, 2016 (54 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Annual Report Detail, InDesign, 1202 px X 462 px, 2016 (354 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Annual Report Detail, InDesign, 1202 px X 462 px, 2016 (145 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Annual Report Detail, InDesign, 1202 px X 462 px, 2016 (71 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Bike Brochure, InDesign, 946 px X 714 px, 2015 (226 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Bike Brochure Open, InDesign, 946 px X 714 px, 2015 (210 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Graphic Design Slide for Awesome Inc, Illustrator, 4583 px X 2917 px, 2016 (294 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Hall of Fame Invitation, Adobe Illustrator, 2550 px X 1650 px, 2016 (232 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Stickers for Awesome Inc, Adobe Illustrator, 3026 px X 4264 px, 2016 (517 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Recent Drawings Postcard Two, Adobe InDesign, 1080 px X 756 px, 2016 (1.6 MB)

Download Sara Hutson, Recent Drawings Postcard One, Adobe InDesign, 1080 px X 756 px, 2016 (1.5 MB)

Download Sara Hutson, Liminal Postcard, Adobe InDesign, 1166 px X 818 px, 2016 (1.6 MB)

Download Sara Hutson, Infinity Traffic, Prismacolor, Ink and Graphite on Bristol, 7.8 in X 5.6 in, 2016 (353 KB)

Download Sara Hutson, Figure Drawing, Prismacolor on Bristol, 12 in X 16 in, 2016 (139 KB)

Download Sara Hutson Cover Letter (10 KB)

Download Artist Statement.pdf (21 KB)

Download Artist Resume.pdf (35 KB)

Download Artist Opportunity Description (337 KB)

Download Artist Opportunity Application (1) (166 KB)

Download Artist Opportunity Application (2) (137 KB)

Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Fall 12-4-2016

Artist Statement

I have a great love of both music and art. As I have sampled different medias, I have been looking for one that will allow me to reconcile the two, and so I have taken an interest in creating package designs and album artwork for CDs. This also allows me to work in my love of illustration and typography, and combine them into a product that is a bridge between art and music. For my imagery, I target scenes of familiarity. I like to work with things we see so often that they blend into the background because they automatically connect to the viewer. Then I like to twist an aspect of it so that is once more abstracted, and takes more time to decipher.

I am also interested in the use of mirrors for their challenge of space and complexity of meaning. In my research on mirrors, I have become fascinated by their ability to be a bridge between reality and fantasy. Mirrors possess the unique ability to reveal truth, they can confuse by extending a space, they can create infinity, or they can be small windows into a space that we can never truly inhabit. I hope, as I work with CD package design, to find a way to work in mirrors and take on a greater dimension of thought and composition in my work.

My influences include (there is definitely a graphic designer we have studied that I know designed hundreds of albums. I wanted to look at his work, but I cannot remember his name.) Also, Al Hirschfeld, for his descriptive line work in his illustrations. I adore the fluidity of Louise Fili’s typography, Saul Bass’s illustrations, El Lissitzky’s unique abstractions, and Lucian Bernard’s combination of typography and illustration. In terms of mirror artwork, I like to reference Michelangelo Pistoletto, for his incorporation of the viewer; Yayoi Kusama, for her creation of infinite spaces; and Robert Smithson, for his mirror concepts.


Jim Bryant; Nicole Hand-Bryant; Dale Leys


I typically work in Illustrator and InDesign, working on images where the typography describes texture or sounds involved in the subject. The first thumbnail, Silence, is an example of this. I took a quote by Leonard Cohen, and described the sounds of crickets by overlapping use of the word to visualize the sound of cricket chirps.

Another interest of mine exists in mirrors and drawing. The 19th thumbnail is an image called Infinity Traffic. I am interested in the use of mirrors for their challenge of space and complexity of meaning. In my research on mirrors, I have become fascinated by their ability to be a bridge between reality and fantasy. Mirrors possess the unique ability to reveal truth, they can confuse by extending a space, they can create infinity, or they can be small windows into a space that we can never truly inhabit. I created Infinity Traffic within a familiar space that confuses what is reality.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Sara Hutson: Senior Work



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