Reflective Interactions

Reflective Interactions

Author/Artist Name

Isabella CardozoFollow


Download Self Portrait, Oil on Canvas 36" x 36" (265 KB)

Download Reflective Surfaces, Oil on Canvas 22" x 42" (191 KB)

Download All Shades of Cad Red, Oil on Canvas 18" x 24" (108 KB)

Download Futurist Still-Life, Oil on Canvas 20 " x 24" (156 KB)

Download The Way Others See Me, Oil on Canvas 36" x 48" (152 KB)

Download Sad Fish, Oil on Canvas 12" x16" (150 KB)

Download Sea Serpents, Relief 11" x 14" (216 KB)

Download Blame Game, Photo Lithography 12" x 16" (485 KB)

Download Nightmare, Relief, 8" x 11" (211 KB)

Download Self Portrait Detail (634 KB)

Download The Way others see me detail (499 KB)

Download The Way I See Myself detail (619 KB)

Download The Way I See Myself, Oil on Canvas, 42" x 42" (619 KB)

Download Narcissist, Screenprint, 11" x 14" (76 KB)

Download The Way I see Myself detail (482 KB)

Download The Way Others See Me detail (597 KB)

Download The Way I See Myself detail (619 KB)

Download The Way I see Myself detail (466 KB)

Download The Way Others See Me detail (513 KB)

Download The Way I See Myself detail (445 KB)

Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Fall 11-1-2017

Artist Statement

My paintings are concern the exploration of light and transparency as it interacts with the figure and objects. I am interested in the exploration of reflective surfaces as they interact with the figure and each other.

By recreating the figure as it interfaces with the transparent surfaces and the light, i can examine the idea of breaking up or splitting the body as a way to understand and maybe communicate anxieties that concern the body.

Formally, I am interested in the play of transparency and reflection and recreating the bright colors that these objects form as the light passes through them, and aim to depict them with as much detail as possible, varying my brushstroke thickness and the amount of paint applied.


Danielle Muzina


Oil on canvas, 42" x 42"

Reflective Interactions
