Final Portfolio/ Digital Commons Assignment ART 399-01 SP17

Final Portfolio/ Digital Commons Assignment ART 399-01 SP17

Author/Artist Name

Caitlin HemenwayFollow


Download 16_HemenwayCait_Construction of those who fly _01.jpg (342 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Construction of Those Who Fly_02.jpg (1.4 MB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Designed and Carried_07.jpg (319 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Ephemerality_14.png (775 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Ephemerality_15.jpg (141 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Fallen_11.jpg (96 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Fallen_12.jpg (97 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Panacea_13.jpg (78 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Panacea_14.jpg (64 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Still Life_08.jpg (428 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Still Life_09.png (960 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Still Life_10.png (920 KB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Untitled Painting_06.jpg (1.8 MB)

Download 16_HemenwayCait_Untitled Paiting_05.jpg (306 KB)

Download 17_HemenwayCait_ The Spark of Life_03.jpg (185 KB)

Download 17_HemenwayCait_Broken_16.jpg (101 KB)

Download 17_HemenwayCait_Broken_17.jpg (1.6 MB)

Download 17_HemenwayCait_Memories of Home_20.jpg (68 KB)

Download 17_HemenwayCait_Memories of Home_21.jpg (333 KB)

Download 17_HemenwayCait_Pure Soul_18.jpg (56 KB)

Download 17_HemenwayCait_Pure Soul_19.jpg (86 KB)

Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 4-30-2017

Artist Statement

Caitlin Hemenway

Artist Statement

BFA 2016-2018

In my current work, I am composing delicate forms in expansive spaces. These forms are meant to have a figurative presence. The space, having a tangible quality, then also becomes a subject. I wish to communicate that both space and form have an equal weight. I give voice in my work to the inward emotions of the figurative presence, in a moment of vulnerability, in a space that is unfamiliar.

When I choose the subject for my paintings and drawings, I pay attention to the textures as wellas the colors of the object. Currently, I look to Baroque paintings and sculpture for reference to texture. In those works, drapery is expressive in its gesture and the presence it possesses, depicted by the artist as existing in a given atmosphere. However, the spaces I create in my work are equally inspired from observed horizons, much like the work of Martin Johnson Heade. In resemblance to his work, I use soft edges to soften and unite the form with the space. I also establish hard edges for strong communication of lights and darks as well as scumbling to scatter shadows and light both within the space and form.

The purpose of my work is to communicate the fascination of a space and its emotional effect on those that view it. As the spaces I create surround these delicate forms, I seek to create a feeling of solitude and mystery, expressed as the vulnerable forms are embraced by their surroundings.


T. Michel Martin


Constructions of Those Who Fly, Mixed media ( Oil Paint, Graphite, Soft pastel, conte) 18in x 24in , 2016

The Spark of Life, Oil Painting, 46in x 36in, 2017

Ephemerality, Oil Painting, 46in x 46in, 2016

Untitled Painting ( plate and butterfly), Oil Painting, 20in x 18in, 2016

Designed and Carried, Mixed Media Drawing ( Soft Pastel, Ink, and Conte), 6in x 8in, 2016

Still Life of Hanging Branch and Lost Feather, Charcoal Drawing with Conte, 8in x 11in, 2016

Fallen, Mixed Media Drawing ( Soft Pastel, Graphite, Conte, and watercolor), 6in x 8in , 2016

Panacea, Mixed Media Drawing ( Soft Pastel, Graphite, Colored Pencil, watercolor, and conte) 20in X 18in , 2016

Pure Soul, Charcoal and graphite Drawing, 11in x 14in , 2017

Memories of Home, Mixed Media Drawing ( Charcoal, Graphite, Watercolor, and Conte), 20in x 18in, 2017

Broken, Mixed Media Drawing ( Soft Pastel, Watercolor, colored pencil and conte), 24in x 19in , 2017

Final Portfolio/ Digital Commons Assignment ART 399-01 SP17
