Justin Malik Drawings

Justin Malik Drawings

Author/Artist Name

Justin A. MalikFollow


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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Winter 12-7-2016

Artist Statement

All my life I’ve loved to draw. I can date it back all the way to elementary school. I was that kid who would draw pictures inside of books just out of boredom. I can’t really say what got my initial interest in it though; the idea of drawing just came to me. After doing this for a bit I soon discovered this newfound love for anime and manga not only for the stories but also the art and this is what really sparked me. I loved the design of characters and settings and so I wanted to draw something that looked like that. It started with me just using notebooks I had for classes and then I moved on to actual sketchbooks and that’s when my pictures started to look like real works of art and I became proud of what I was doing. From here on I just wanted to keep getting better. I was more driven by the end product rather than the process. Hence why I never really liked having people watch me while I draw. I typically don’t want people to see what I’m working on until after its completely finished. I’m not entirely sure yet the kind of work I want to do but I do know I want it to involve drawing somehow. A lot; or should I say all of my drawings have been inspired in some way by anime so I would love the opportunity to work in a field related to that.


Shots of my drawings for class and spare time

Photo Credit


Justin Malik Drawings
