"Heartfelt Notions" by Savannah Young

Author/Artist Name

Savannah YoungFollow



Download Thumbnail Sheet (742 KB)

Download Pick Me Clean, ink on bristol (1.6 MB)

Download Full Circle, ink on bristol (6.8 MB)

Download Spatial Language, ink and watercolor on bristol (432 KB)

Download Breathe, ink on bristol (169 KB)

Download Listen, ink on bristol (478 KB)

Download Fragment, ink on bristol (2.6 MB)

Download Black Bear, ink on bristol (5.3 MB)

Download Rose, ink on bristol (210 KB)

Download Simple Pleasures, ink on bristol (527 KB)

Download Companion #1, ink and watercolor on bristol (545 KB)

Download Companion #2, ink and watercolor on bristol (521 KB)

Download I Would Have Given You the Moon, ink and watercolor on bristol (571 KB)

Download Every Atom of your Flesh, ink and watercolor on bristol (685 KB)

Download Pretty Pest, ink and watercolor on bristol (655 KB)

Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Spring 3-28-2017

Artist Statement

I'm interested in bringing the narrative of life into my work as well as paying tribute to the complex beauty of the world around us. I often focus on one subject in depth to give emphasis to their story in particular, whether it be a place or a living thing. I want my audience to read into the details of my drawings as they would a novel; finding the bits of information that I include to inform the viewer of both creature and environment. I think of it as instigating a dialogue between people and the things that live alongside them.

I typically choose subject matter that pertains to nature; whether it be organic decay, animals, insects, or plant life. Location and territory are categories by which animals are identified by, they each have their place and role in the niche they call home. This quality is what makes them so useful as metaphors for our own place in life. We are tied to our environments; they become part of our identities. This is why I neglect to draw the eyes of my animals, so that they become vehicles for individual interpretation as opposed to specific creatures.


Dale Leys


This is the culmination of my BA senior show, consisting of ink drawings made within the advanced drawing courses.

Photo Credit

Ty Elrod, 2017

Heartfelt Notions



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