Literacy and language development in early childhood has been shown to be closely correlated with future academic performance (Gullo, 2013). A strong foundation in literacy and language has the potential to affect all areas of educational growth (Copple & Bredekamp, 2009). Moreover, the role of the adult in facilitating the process of literacy and language development is highly critical for success (Heroman & Jones, 2010). Developmental theorists have variations in their views as to how children develop and learn, yet one common denominator exists with them all—the adult’s role in guiding children’s learning (Charlesworth, 2008). Researchers have compiled a number of interventions that can be used to enhance the development of literacy and language for children between the ages of birth to five. Many of the same intervention strategies can be used to strengthen both literacy and language, as they have been found to be inherently linked (Zero to Three, 2003). Clear connections between literacy and language include the domains of vocabulary, written language, comprehension, phonological awareness, fluency, auditory discrimination, and memory (Justice, 2010). Teachers, parents, and caregivers must be intentional in providing literacy and language interventions in early childhood, beginning at birth, in order to promote later academic success (Lawhon & Cobb, 2002).
Year Manuscript Completed
Spring 2017
Senior Project Advisor
Dr. Susan Edington
Degree Awarded
Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree
Field of Study
Educational Studies
Document Type
Recommended Citation
Alsman, Shannon M., "The Importance of Intentional Language and Literacy Development in Early Childhood" (2017). Integrated Studies. 21.