"Pain as Feedback for Bionic Limbs" by Gordon Sachtjen


Abstract: This paper looks at advancements made in the area of thought controlled mechanical prosthesis that are being developed for amputees in order for them to regain mobility. It focuses on the brain-machine interface which is hardware and software that is used to control mechanical prosthesis or bionic limbs by sending and receiving signals between the prosthetic and the users mind. There is signaling feedback from the prosthesis to the user that indicates how much pressure is being applied to an object that is being grasped for instance. This paper explores the notion of the value of pain as a warning in the form of artificial feedback to help prevent damage and death to people and posits that pain should be included in the feedback loop so that when, for example, an artificial hand is in imminent danger of being burned the wearer is alerted.

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2017

Senior Project Advisor

Doctor Kristy Kilcoyne, Psy.D.

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Social Sciences

Document Type

