"Human Service and the Wide Variety of Career Options" by Holly Hart


Human service is a public service career that provides many options for employment. Working in human service is an excellent choice for those individuals who enjoy helping others in their community. The human service field provides a wide variety of career options. There are several options when it comes to working in human services such as working with mental issues, health issues, with community and welfare agencies, having an administrative job or working in private practice areas. Due to the many career options available, it is not possible to get bored with this career choice.

There are specific job choices available that are the most popular such as working as a counselor, probation officer, case worker, rehabilitation case worker, community outreach, psychologist and administrative jobs. There are pros and cons of working in human services. In addition, there are various education levels available within human service. If you are a person who enjoys helping others, enjoys working in stressful environments, compassionate, has good organizational skills, are respecting of all diversities and are a very responsible individual, human services may be the career for you.

As you read, you will notice the various aspects of the human service field being examined. The most popular of the human service field will give a thorough idea of human service and options available within the career.

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2017

Senior Project Advisor

Mr George M Barton

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Human Services

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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