"Continuous Improvement Beyond Manufacturing" by Andy Druin


This study examines Six Sigma, Lean, and Continuous Improvement systems in settings outside of it originating atmosphere of manufacturing; examples of these settings include healthcare, construction, and the utility industry. Enablers and inhibitors to successful implementation and sustainability are often challenging to identify for organizations during their infancy stages of continuous improvement. This study aims to clearly identify the enablers and inhibitors to optimize the process of utilizing continuous improvement in alternate industries. Methods used within this study include extensive literature review and interviews of individuals working within manufacturing, healthcare, and utility settings that have adopted and successfully implemented a culture of continuous improvement. Conclusions of the study include that when an organization properly identifies their strengths and weaknesses, capitalizes on the strengths and makes plans to minimize weakness, continuous improvement can be integrated into the culture of the organization. This culture of continuous improvement yields greater efficiency, improved quality, and a reduction in defects within the product or service being delivered to the consumer.

Year Manuscript Completed

Summer 2017

Senior Project Advisor

Mr. Ray Austin

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Commerce & Leadership

Document Type

