"Nonverbal Communication Skills, Teachers’ Immediacy and Students’ Outc" by Gwen Watson


This paper reviews nonverbal communication, verbal and nonverbal immediacy along with teacher immediacy and how each one can affect a students’ grades and even if the student will graduate. Nonverbal communication is broken down into eight categories; facial expressions, gestures, paralinguistic, body language, proxemic, eye movement, haptics and appearance. Teacher immediacy is broken down into clarity, movement, vocal variety, facial expressions, eye contact, distance, seat arrangement and appearance. When used correctly nonverbal communication and teacher immediacy can help all students succeed however at-risk students can benefit the most.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2017

Senior Project Advisor

Stephen Cox, PhD

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study


Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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