"Brightmore Homecare of Kentucky and United Energy Worker's-Getting to " by Regina Toon


The law that was passed in 2001 for former employees (or their survivors) that worked at specific DOL approved facilities across country is still going strong and surprising everyone involved in the program. The original plan for this particular program was to work for about six months, but after a lot of hard work and exceptional customer service, it’s still going. Since the program started it has paid out millions of dollars tax free in monetary benefits. Now, since the claimants understand how medical benefits work, homecare services have increased tremendously. The law came in to play when former employees began to get ill and when investigating all of the illnesses, the government realized the employees working in the “Cold War” years were being exposed to radiation and/or toxins that can cause certain cancers and other illnesses. The employees at that time were making bombs and for the Cold War and personal protective equipment was unheard of. Finally, when employees started coming forward with concerns, the government decided to put benefits in place. This law doesn’t state that ANY illnesses were caused while working at a covered facility. It basically states that the illnesses are at least as likely as not caused. (https://www.dol.gov/owcp/energy/regs/compliance/progbenefits.htm)

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2017

Senior Project Advisor

Mr. Thomas Hales

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Health Care Administration

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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