Location (as identified in document)
Board Room of the Administration Building
Committee Type
Full Board
Meeting Type
Chairman (as identified in document)
Mr. H. Glenn Doran
Members present (as identified in document)
Mr. H. Glenn Doran, Mr. James A. Davis, Mr. Gene Roberts, Dr. Mark Cunningham, Dr. Charles E. Howard, Mr. A. B. Mitchell, Mr. Bob T. Long, Dr. Constantine W. Curris, Mrs. Patsy R. Dyer, Dr. Thomas B. Hogancamp, Dr. W. G. Read, Mr. and Mrs. Eugene K. Roberts
Time Called to Order (as identified in document)
4-27-1974 12:00 AM
Recommended Citation
Board of Regents, Murray State University, "1974-04-27" (1974). Board of Regents Meeting Minutes. 410.