"The Wizard of Oz" by Murray State University

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Production Staff

Scott Hamrick (Chairman),

Alan Boerngen (Assistant Chairman),

Kate Mackie (Secretary),

Christie Logan (Treasurer),

Hannah Maddy (Publicity Coordinator),

Cheri Riedel (Advertising Coordinator),

Ches Clark (House Manager),

Christopher Thornton (Director),

Stephen D. Keene (Assistant Director),

Mike Shepard (Technical Director),

Jennifer Speciale (Pit Orchestra Director),

Brian Carlton (Vocal Director),

Emily Robertson (Stage Manager),

Amanda L. Register (Choreographer),

Jon West (Sets),

Craig Fuqua, Josh Kubasta (Sound),

Chris Hill (Lights),

Renee Simoneau, Renee Saindon, Suzan Hammrick (Costume Coordinators),

Natalie Krupansky, Renee Saindon (Makeup Artists),

Jordan Guinn (Props Coordinator)



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