Murray State Theses and Dissertations


Kentucky public charter school law was introduced in 2017, the purpose of the new innovative schools were to close the achievement gap among the education system within the state. Charter schools are new-age schools that have a smaller class size, use differentiated instructional strategies that integrate technology to promote engagement, which in turn increases student growth and success. Advantages of charter schools within other states include differentiated environment, culture, and performance. Disadvantages of charter schools involve taking resources from traditional schools, higher resource costs, and demands. The study was approached using a basic qualitative research method. The purpose of the study was to determine the stakeholders' prior knowledge of public charter schools, how the schools can be effective in promoting student success, comparing a public charter school to a public traditional school, and determining reasons why parents would send their child to a public charter school over a traditional public school. The survey questions were grouped to fit one of the four categories, prior knowledge, effectiveness, comparison, and parental reasons. By analyzing the questions within each group, an overall trend was determined. Further research is needed to determine the reasons why survey respondents oppose the formation of charter schools and oppose the funding of charter schools.

Year manuscript completed


Year degree awarded


Author's Keywords

charter schools, engagement, innovative, formation, funding

Dissertation Committee Chair

Jamie B. Mahoney

Committee Member

Richard L. Dodson

Committee Member

Denise Donahue

Document Type

