"The Impact of KinderQuest on Reading and Math in Early and Intermediat" by Stephanie Sullivan

Murray State Theses and Dissertations


This paper explored the history of education, including how the focus has evolved into the current demand for a qualified workforce, and the practices of retention and social promotion. Grade level retention research examined the positive and negative impacts on students, as well as alternative intervention approaches. An in-depth study of an early intervention program, KinderQuest, was conducted to determine the relationship between students’ reading and math achievement. Data was analyzed by comparing students that participated in the KinderQuest program and students that progressed through the traditional progression of kindergarten through Grade 6. Additionally, reading and math scores of KinderQuest participants were compared to non-participants who were retained to determine how each intervention affected achievement. Student achievement was measured both in the short-term, as observed in Grade 1 to Grade 3, and long-term, as observed in Grade 4 to Grade 6. Overall findings indicated there was no significant difference in the achievement of students in KinderQuest and those who traditionally progressed from grade to grade, suggesting the program was a successful intervention for students at risk of performing below grade level peers in reading and math. Additionally, the impact of KinderQuest and the traditional program showed similar results in both short-term and long-term achievement. Finally, there was no significant difference between the reading and math achievement of students who participated in KinderQuest and those that were retained.

Year manuscript completed


Year degree awarded


Author's Keywords

Keywords: social promotion, retention, response to intervention

Degree Awarded

Doctor of Education


Educational Studies, Leadership and Counseling


College of Education & Human Services

Dissertation Committee Chair

Robert Lyons

Committee Member

Christina Grant

Committee Member

Alesa Walker

Document Type

