"Responding to and Preventing Tantrums: Proactive Behavioral Strategie" by Samantha N. Wright

Date on Honors Thesis

Spring 5-1-2017


Adolescent, Career and Special Education

Examining Committee Member

Dr. Eric Umstead, Advisor

Examining Committee Member

Dr. Cindy Clemson, Committee Member

Examining Committee Member

Dr. Jamie Mahoney, Committee Member


This thesis discusses a collection of evidence-based strategies for special educators and their support staff to reduce angry and aggressive behavior for students with limited communication skills and significant cognitive deficits. It reviews potential warning signs and conditions associated with aggression in three separate categories (environmental conditions, psychological/physiological conditions, and interpersonal conditions). Further, it uses evidence to generate an array of communication recommendations and strategies to safely intervene in various settings and prevent future occurrences of aggressive behavior.
