Program Class Name
Governor’s Scholars Program, Murray State University, 2017: Business, Accounting & Entrepreneurship
Red Alert is an app using voice recogni3on so people can call for help. The app is similar to “Hey Siri” present in iPhones and the Cortana feature in Androids. When a person uses his or her first preset keyword, the phone’s voice recogniton software accesses the app, which starts an audio recording, and when the second keyword is used, the app alerts the police. The primary consumer for Red Alert is high school to middle-aged women, with a secondary focus on those who live in urban areas. The technology exists, so the only needed recourse is programming. The risks associated with Red Alert include a possible failure to recognize a person’s voice and the high competition from other security apps.
Poster Presentation Handout
Red Alert
Red Alert is an app using voice recogni3on so people can call for help. The app is similar to “Hey Siri” present in iPhones and the Cortana feature in Androids. When a person uses his or her first preset keyword, the phone’s voice recogniton software accesses the app, which starts an audio recording, and when the second keyword is used, the app alerts the police. The primary consumer for Red Alert is high school to middle-aged women, with a secondary focus on those who live in urban areas. The technology exists, so the only needed recourse is programming. The risks associated with Red Alert include a possible failure to recognize a person’s voice and the high competition from other security apps.