Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: The God Father of Public Relations

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Dr. Melanie Shemberger

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


The God father of Public Relations

Edward L. Bernyas is a pioneer and many scholars consider him as a father of Public Relation “PR”. Bernyas started his career work as a press agent before World War I. He also worked for an organization that was created by the U.S government to affect public opinions in the U.S to know the effect of American participation in the war at that time and the organization name was Creel Committee. Furthermore, Dernyas developed and created many techniques to shape public opinions. He thought deeply and came up with new idea of life’s work which he named “engineering public constant” and then he opened his office in New York, his office was specialized for Public Relation Consultant and that was in 1919. Moreover, at New York University he gave the first course on public relation, and later at the same year Bernyas published his first book on public relation and the name of the book is “Crystallizing Public Opinion”. In addition, Bernyas received an award from National Association for the Advancement of Colored People because of the successful campaign that he hosted, no violence was reported at that campaign against African-American. Bernyas’s campaign tried to focus on the importance of the combination between African-American and the Whites who live in the South. Bernyas also helped to change women attitude and freedom and that was when women were not allowed to smoke in public places. Dernyas was a professional attitude maker because of his efforts in the society.


Small Ballroom, Curris Center

Start Date

April 2016

End Date

April 2016


Apr 20th, 10:00 AM Apr 20th, 11:30 AM

The God Father of Public Relations

Small Ballroom, Curris Center

The God father of Public Relations

Edward L. Bernyas is a pioneer and many scholars consider him as a father of Public Relation “PR”. Bernyas started his career work as a press agent before World War I. He also worked for an organization that was created by the U.S government to affect public opinions in the U.S to know the effect of American participation in the war at that time and the organization name was Creel Committee. Furthermore, Dernyas developed and created many techniques to shape public opinions. He thought deeply and came up with new idea of life’s work which he named “engineering public constant” and then he opened his office in New York, his office was specialized for Public Relation Consultant and that was in 1919. Moreover, at New York University he gave the first course on public relation, and later at the same year Bernyas published his first book on public relation and the name of the book is “Crystallizing Public Opinion”. In addition, Bernyas received an award from National Association for the Advancement of Colored People because of the successful campaign that he hosted, no violence was reported at that campaign against African-American. Bernyas’s campaign tried to focus on the importance of the combination between African-American and the Whites who live in the South. Bernyas also helped to change women attitude and freedom and that was when women were not allowed to smoke in public places. Dernyas was a professional attitude maker because of his efforts in the society.