Non-Opioid Chronic Pain Management
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Dr. Marcia Hobbs; DNS; RN
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Non-opioid chronic pain management treatments were researched. Specifically, exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs showed little to no efficacy in relieving complicated chronic pain. However, when a biopsychosocial approach was used, better pain management and coping was reported. This approach addresses multiple aspects of patient needs, consistent with Nursing Theorist Betty Neuman’s System Model which was used to guide research. Therefore, a biopsychosocial approach to chronic unrelieved pain management is recommended.
Small Ballroom, Curris Center
Start Date
April 2016
End Date
April 2016
Non-Opioid Chronic Pain Management
Small Ballroom, Curris Center
Non-opioid chronic pain management treatments were researched. Specifically, exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs showed little to no efficacy in relieving complicated chronic pain. However, when a biopsychosocial approach was used, better pain management and coping was reported. This approach addresses multiple aspects of patient needs, consistent with Nursing Theorist Betty Neuman’s System Model which was used to guide research. Therefore, a biopsychosocial approach to chronic unrelieved pain management is recommended.