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Dr. Iin Handayani
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Land management practices greatly influence soil properties. However, the effects are different among soil properties. This study was conducted to determine the impact of various common land management systems on selected soil properties, include organicmatter content, the level of acidity, soil color and macro-aggregate content. During fall of 2015, soil samples were collected fromtopsoiland subsoil of silt loamatStewart County, TN. Soil samples were taken from six different land management systems, such as 30 years of tobacco field, 30 years of hardwood forest, 20 years of vegetable garden, 20 years of pasture, 35 years of lawn, and 6 years of corn and soybean rotation.In the topsoil, the highest and the lowest organic matter content was found in woods (6.6%)andtobacco(3.5%), respectively. The highest organic matter in subsoil was observed in pasture (6.4%). The range of soil pH was 5.8 to 7.5. The cultivated field under corn and soybean rotation hassoil pHof 6.5. The changes in soil color is not significant, since the soil hascolor rangefrom light olive brown in the topsoil to light yellowish brown insubsoil. Resultsformacro-aggregate will be presented in the poster. The finding of this study would help to understand the soil processes that are supporting the land use management in TN.
Large Ballroom, Curris Center
Start Date
April 2016
End Date
April 2016
Land Management Effects on Selected Properties of Silt Loam Soil in Tennessee, USA
Large Ballroom, Curris Center
Land management practices greatly influence soil properties. However, the effects are different among soil properties. This study was conducted to determine the impact of various common land management systems on selected soil properties, include organicmatter content, the level of acidity, soil color and macro-aggregate content. During fall of 2015, soil samples were collected fromtopsoiland subsoil of silt loamatStewart County, TN. Soil samples were taken from six different land management systems, such as 30 years of tobacco field, 30 years of hardwood forest, 20 years of vegetable garden, 20 years of pasture, 35 years of lawn, and 6 years of corn and soybean rotation.In the topsoil, the highest and the lowest organic matter content was found in woods (6.6%)andtobacco(3.5%), respectively. The highest organic matter in subsoil was observed in pasture (6.4%). The range of soil pH was 5.8 to 7.5. The cultivated field under corn and soybean rotation hassoil pHof 6.5. The changes in soil color is not significant, since the soil hascolor rangefrom light olive brown in the topsoil to light yellowish brown insubsoil. Resultsformacro-aggregate will be presented in the poster. The finding of this study would help to understand the soil processes that are supporting the land use management in TN.