Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Increasing Novice Nurse Retention

SNHP | Evidence Based Best Practices in Clinical Healthcare

Increasing Novice Nurse Retention

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Dr. Marcia Hobbs

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


This poster explores turnover rates as well as suggestions to increase novice nurse retention using three articles. The causes of turnover rates ranged from poor management to toxic work environments. Interventions were looked at and proven to increase nurse retention. These interventions included mentorship, strong leadership, residency programs, support, etc. Nurses who worked at a setting with these interventions showed increased job satisfaction, confidence, and remained at that unit. Implementing the interventions can save healthcare organizations millions of dollars each year.


Large Ballroom, Curris Center, Murray State University

Start Date

November 2016

End Date

November 2016



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Nov 14th, 11:30 AM Nov 14th, 1:30 PM

Increasing Novice Nurse Retention

Large Ballroom, Curris Center, Murray State University

This poster explores turnover rates as well as suggestions to increase novice nurse retention using three articles. The causes of turnover rates ranged from poor management to toxic work environments. Interventions were looked at and proven to increase nurse retention. These interventions included mentorship, strong leadership, residency programs, support, etc. Nurses who worked at a setting with these interventions showed increased job satisfaction, confidence, and remained at that unit. Implementing the interventions can save healthcare organizations millions of dollars each year.