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Public Health
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Dr. Terry
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Poster Presentation
Hand washing is when you wet your hands under warm water, add soap and rub hands together for 20 seconds or longer, rinse, dry with paper towel, and finally turn off running water with that paper towel you just dried your hands off with. Hand washing is something that helps prevent the spread of germs that lead to illness. This is a health problem that could anywhere and everywhere in the community, but I specifically looked into the Paducah-Murray regional campus.
Photovoice is a process where members of a community take pictures that give some insight on what they believe are community needs and assets. The first photo I took was of a sign that explained when and how to wash your hands. It is hanging on the back of the bathroom door on campus. The second picture I took was of the black intercom that sits on the desks for students to hold down to be able to communicate with other students and the teacher at other campuses. In Paducah, and in most places, you will more than likely see signs in the bathrooms of different places reminding people to wash their hands. It is something you may see by sinks in a workplace, as well. I imagine preschool and elementary teachers are advocates of teaching this habit.
It’s good to start introducing hand washing at an early age and how important it is. You can have them do creative things like singing, get fun shaped soaps, or foam soaps. With the older generation, it is best to get more serious, maybe by showing a documentary on the diseases that could happen. Hand washing is something that helps prevents sickness, stops the spread of germs, and by doing this one simple task, it will be beneficial in the long run.
Doyle, E. I., Ward, S. E., & Oomen-Early, J. (2010). The process of community health education and promotion. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.
3rd Floor, Curris Center, Murray State University
Start Date
14-11-2016 12:00 AM
End Date
14-11-2016 12:00 AM
The Importance of Hand Washing on Regional Campus
3rd Floor, Curris Center, Murray State University
Hand washing is when you wet your hands under warm water, add soap and rub hands together for 20 seconds or longer, rinse, dry with paper towel, and finally turn off running water with that paper towel you just dried your hands off with. Hand washing is something that helps prevent the spread of germs that lead to illness. This is a health problem that could anywhere and everywhere in the community, but I specifically looked into the Paducah-Murray regional campus.
Photovoice is a process where members of a community take pictures that give some insight on what they believe are community needs and assets. The first photo I took was of a sign that explained when and how to wash your hands. It is hanging on the back of the bathroom door on campus. The second picture I took was of the black intercom that sits on the desks for students to hold down to be able to communicate with other students and the teacher at other campuses. In Paducah, and in most places, you will more than likely see signs in the bathrooms of different places reminding people to wash their hands. It is something you may see by sinks in a workplace, as well. I imagine preschool and elementary teachers are advocates of teaching this habit.
It’s good to start introducing hand washing at an early age and how important it is. You can have them do creative things like singing, get fun shaped soaps, or foam soaps. With the older generation, it is best to get more serious, maybe by showing a documentary on the diseases that could happen. Hand washing is something that helps prevents sickness, stops the spread of germs, and by doing this one simple task, it will be beneficial in the long run.
Doyle, E. I., Ward, S. E., & Oomen-Early, J. (2010). The process of community health education and promotion. Long Grove, IL: Waveland Press.