Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Seat Belt Safety

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Public and Community Health



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Dr. Miranda Terry

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


The issue that I decided to discuss is seat belt safety. According to the CDC, 21,022 vehicle passengers died in motor vehicle crashes in 2014 with more than half of these resulting from the individual not being restrained in the vehicle. A car crash isn’t planned, it can happen at any time to anyone. The only way to prepare for something like that to happen is to always take the right precautions which includes putting on your seatbelt every time you get in the vehicle. Over 2.3 million drivers and passengers were treated in emergency departments in 2014. Young adult drivers aged 18-24 have the highest crash-related injury rates among all drivers.

Photovoice is a participatory research strategy that allows individuals to reflect upon the strengths and concerns of their community. Traffic safety is a subject that is of concern everywhere you go, with seatbelts sitting at the top of the list for priorities when it comes to safety in a vehicle. By using strategies such as posting facts concerning the safety of people on the road and using street signs to remind people to buckle up, we can reduce the injury and mortality rates during traffic accidents. Resources in the community that address this issue would include the public safety administration, or police, that enforce the law of fastening your seatbelt while in a vehicle. Other resources would include street signs and even the alarm in your car that goes off when the seatbelt is not fastened. 1 in 7 people still choose not to wear a seat belt still in the United States. According to the CDC, seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45% and the risk of serious injury by 50%. In my first picture I'm shown not wearing a seat belt. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed because still on average, 90 people die in motor vehicle crashes every day with over half of them not having proper restraint. My second picture is of a sign on the side of the road that reads "click it or ticket". More people will see this and put their seat belt on because they do not want to get fined. Seat belts save thousands of lives each year, and having signs like that can help save thousands more.

I hope that through continued spreading of awareness of this issue that the population will understand the need to be properly fastened in their car at all times. You never know when it could happen, and the best way to prepare for an accident is to always take the proper safety measures when it comes to keeping you and your passengers safe.


3rd Floor, Curris Center, Murray State University

Start Date

14-11-2016 12:00 AM

End Date

14-11-2016 12:00 AM



Included in

Public Health Commons


Nov 14th, 12:00 AM Nov 14th, 12:00 AM

Seat Belt Safety

3rd Floor, Curris Center, Murray State University

The issue that I decided to discuss is seat belt safety. According to the CDC, 21,022 vehicle passengers died in motor vehicle crashes in 2014 with more than half of these resulting from the individual not being restrained in the vehicle. A car crash isn’t planned, it can happen at any time to anyone. The only way to prepare for something like that to happen is to always take the right precautions which includes putting on your seatbelt every time you get in the vehicle. Over 2.3 million drivers and passengers were treated in emergency departments in 2014. Young adult drivers aged 18-24 have the highest crash-related injury rates among all drivers.

Photovoice is a participatory research strategy that allows individuals to reflect upon the strengths and concerns of their community. Traffic safety is a subject that is of concern everywhere you go, with seatbelts sitting at the top of the list for priorities when it comes to safety in a vehicle. By using strategies such as posting facts concerning the safety of people on the road and using street signs to remind people to buckle up, we can reduce the injury and mortality rates during traffic accidents. Resources in the community that address this issue would include the public safety administration, or police, that enforce the law of fastening your seatbelt while in a vehicle. Other resources would include street signs and even the alarm in your car that goes off when the seatbelt is not fastened. 1 in 7 people still choose not to wear a seat belt still in the United States. According to the CDC, seat belts reduce the risk of death by 45% and the risk of serious injury by 50%. In my first picture I'm shown not wearing a seat belt. This is a serious issue that needs to be addressed because still on average, 90 people die in motor vehicle crashes every day with over half of them not having proper restraint. My second picture is of a sign on the side of the road that reads "click it or ticket". More people will see this and put their seat belt on because they do not want to get fined. Seat belts save thousands of lives each year, and having signs like that can help save thousands more.

I hope that through continued spreading of awareness of this issue that the population will understand the need to be properly fastened in their car at all times. You never know when it could happen, and the best way to prepare for an accident is to always take the proper safety measures when it comes to keeping you and your passengers safe.