Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Effects of Binaural Beats on Working Memory Capacity and Positive and Negative Affect

COHFA | Psychology: Completed Projects

Effects of Binaural Beats on Working Memory Capacity and Positive and Negative Affect

Academic Level at Time of Presentation






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Michael Bordieri, Ph.D.; Paul Anderson, Ph.D.

Presentation Format

Oral Presentation


Binaural beats are a growing interests among some researchers in areas such as cognitive, behavioral, and pain management therapies. This type of research have been conducted after various entrainment sessions with binaural beats on working memory capacity and sustained attention, mood states using self-report questionnaires. While preliminary in nature, research has demonstrated positive effects of binaural beats on mood states, and working memory capacity. One limitation with previous research is the binaural beats were embedded in music or ocean sounds. The participants in these studies appear to have been unaware that the binaural beat was there, as no previous research has explicitly assessed participants ability to detect the binaural beat. The current research attempted to remove this limitation and look at the effects that only the binaural beat might have on working memory capacity and positive/negative affect compared to a control audio tone. The hypothesis of this research is that participants in a binaural beat condition will score higher on the Operation Span Task (OSPAN) for working memory capacity (WMC) than participants in a control condition. It is also hypothesized that participants in a binaural beat condition will experience an increase in positive affect on the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) 2 and 3 sessions and for a decrease in negative affect on the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) 2 and 3 sessions than participants in the control condition. Data from 80 participants has been collected with primary analyses and implications of the findings to be discussed.

keyword: binaural beats, working memory capacity, psychological flexibility, positive and negative affect


Classroom 210, Waterfield Library

Start Date

November 2016

End Date

November 2016


Psychology: Completed Projects

This document is currently not available here.


Nov 18th, 1:00 PM Nov 18th, 3:30 PM

Effects of Binaural Beats on Working Memory Capacity and Positive and Negative Affect

Classroom 210, Waterfield Library

Binaural beats are a growing interests among some researchers in areas such as cognitive, behavioral, and pain management therapies. This type of research have been conducted after various entrainment sessions with binaural beats on working memory capacity and sustained attention, mood states using self-report questionnaires. While preliminary in nature, research has demonstrated positive effects of binaural beats on mood states, and working memory capacity. One limitation with previous research is the binaural beats were embedded in music or ocean sounds. The participants in these studies appear to have been unaware that the binaural beat was there, as no previous research has explicitly assessed participants ability to detect the binaural beat. The current research attempted to remove this limitation and look at the effects that only the binaural beat might have on working memory capacity and positive/negative affect compared to a control audio tone. The hypothesis of this research is that participants in a binaural beat condition will score higher on the Operation Span Task (OSPAN) for working memory capacity (WMC) than participants in a control condition. It is also hypothesized that participants in a binaural beat condition will experience an increase in positive affect on the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) 2 and 3 sessions and for a decrease in negative affect on the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS) 2 and 3 sessions than participants in the control condition. Data from 80 participants has been collected with primary analyses and implications of the findings to be discussed.

keyword: binaural beats, working memory capacity, psychological flexibility, positive and negative affect