Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Bedside Handoff: Is it the Best Method of Reporting for Nurses?

Bedside Handoff: Is it the Best Method of Reporting for Nurses?

Presenter Information

Kaylee McKendreeFollow

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Marcia Hobbs

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Communication is key in all aspects of life, but for doctors, nurses, and all other hospital staff, it can mean the difference between life and death. Nursing handoff is a procedure performed by nurses in all areas of the hospital and is a critical part of the job to make sure patients receive the best continuity of care. Bedside handoff is a technique that involves the patient and both nurses who will be caring for a patient within a 24 hour span and has improved both patient and nurse satisfaction. While this method has been proven to be successful, there are downfalls to this method, one being the question of a patient’s privacy if there are family members in the room or they have a roommate. This study will look at bedside handoff and determine if it really is the best method to implement.



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Bedside Handoff: Is it the Best Method of Reporting for Nurses?

Communication is key in all aspects of life, but for doctors, nurses, and all other hospital staff, it can mean the difference between life and death. Nursing handoff is a procedure performed by nurses in all areas of the hospital and is a critical part of the job to make sure patients receive the best continuity of care. Bedside handoff is a technique that involves the patient and both nurses who will be caring for a patient within a 24 hour span and has improved both patient and nurse satisfaction. While this method has been proven to be successful, there are downfalls to this method, one being the question of a patient’s privacy if there are family members in the room or they have a roommate. This study will look at bedside handoff and determine if it really is the best method to implement.