Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Free Play in Calloway County

Free Play in Calloway County

Presenter Information

Kelly FutrellFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Exercise Science



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Miranda Terry, PhD

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


In Calloway County and the United States obesity has become an increasing problem among younger children. To combat this epidemic, we need to promote physical activity among young children. Free play is an easy way reduce the sedentary time of children and safe, accessible playgrounds are essential to this. We investigated the access that Calloway County children have to playgrounds in their communities. Twenty-one playgrounds were located within Calloway County that were open and accessible to public use. Seventeen of the twenty-one playgrounds were located in Murray. These results show that children who live within the City of Murray have greater access to playgrounds and increased opportunity to participate in free play compared to children living in surrounding communities, like New Concord and Dexter.



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Free Play in Calloway County

In Calloway County and the United States obesity has become an increasing problem among younger children. To combat this epidemic, we need to promote physical activity among young children. Free play is an easy way reduce the sedentary time of children and safe, accessible playgrounds are essential to this. We investigated the access that Calloway County children have to playgrounds in their communities. Twenty-one playgrounds were located within Calloway County that were open and accessible to public use. Seventeen of the twenty-one playgrounds were located in Murray. These results show that children who live within the City of Murray have greater access to playgrounds and increased opportunity to participate in free play compared to children living in surrounding communities, like New Concord and Dexter.