Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Creating Spaces Revisited: Students' Perspectives on International and Multi(inter)cultural Public Relations Education

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Dr. Hinton

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Poster Presentation


In a global market employees need the skills to be able to work in a multicultural market. International public relation skills are becoming a necessity. Public Relations practitioners are educated on various fundamental skills through their educational programs, but there has been a lack of international and multi(inter)cultural education. This paper is a restudy of Nilajana Bardhan’s 2003 study Creating Spaces for International and Multi(inter)cultural Perspectives in Undergraduate Public Reactions Education.


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Poster Session



Creating Spaces Revisited: Students' Perspectives on International and Multi(inter)cultural Public Relations Education

In a global market employees need the skills to be able to work in a multicultural market. International public relation skills are becoming a necessity. Public Relations practitioners are educated on various fundamental skills through their educational programs, but there has been a lack of international and multi(inter)cultural education. This paper is a restudy of Nilajana Bardhan’s 2003 study Creating Spaces for International and Multi(inter)cultural Perspectives in Undergraduate Public Reactions Education.