Murray State's Digital Commons - Scholars Week: Lacking Proper Nutrition in Calloway County

Lacking Proper Nutrition in Calloway County

Presenter Information

Elizabeth LayFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation



Public and Community Health


Healthcare Administration Concentration

List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Dr. Miranda Terry

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


“Lacking Proper Nutrition in Calloway County”

Author: Elizabeth Lay, Student at Murray State University

Faculty: Dr. Miranda Terry, Public and Community Health Program Director

The purpose of mapping locations in ArcGIS is to be aware if a location is an asset or a barrier of proper nutrition. Lack of nutrition can lead to negative health consequences for an individual. Some of the identified locations were local restaurants, food pantries and grocery stores. During the mapping, it was important to map all locations that were within Calloway County to ensure proper representation of the county as a whole. Following the mapping, we noticed that all of the assets and nearly all of the barriers were within the city limits of Murray, Kentucky which resides within Calloway County. It was also observed that there were more barriers of good nutrition than there were assets. From this we can learn and develop new means of providing assets to members of the community who reside outside of the Murray city limits.



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Lacking Proper Nutrition in Calloway County

“Lacking Proper Nutrition in Calloway County”

Author: Elizabeth Lay, Student at Murray State University

Faculty: Dr. Miranda Terry, Public and Community Health Program Director

The purpose of mapping locations in ArcGIS is to be aware if a location is an asset or a barrier of proper nutrition. Lack of nutrition can lead to negative health consequences for an individual. Some of the identified locations were local restaurants, food pantries and grocery stores. During the mapping, it was important to map all locations that were within Calloway County to ensure proper representation of the county as a whole. Following the mapping, we noticed that all of the assets and nearly all of the barriers were within the city limits of Murray, Kentucky which resides within Calloway County. It was also observed that there were more barriers of good nutrition than there were assets. From this we can learn and develop new means of providing assets to members of the community who reside outside of the Murray city limits.