ORCA | General Poster Session
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Political Science
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Dr. Bellarmine Ezumah
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Our Topic is the Immigration Ban Vs Mass Media, which will focus on the opinions of the ban and how media content can change the public's opinion. The problem we are addressing is the tendency of the general public to form opinions without research or knowledge of the topic they are considering. Data collection through surveying students is the best way to examine our study because we get a diverse collection of opinions on our topic. Our groups is examining four classrooms with surveys, two in which we show video content and two without. Results will be shared at Scholars Week Exhibition.
Included in
Mass Media and the Immigration Ban
Our Topic is the Immigration Ban Vs Mass Media, which will focus on the opinions of the ban and how media content can change the public's opinion. The problem we are addressing is the tendency of the general public to form opinions without research or knowledge of the topic they are considering. Data collection through surveying students is the best way to examine our study because we get a diverse collection of opinions on our topic. Our groups is examining four classrooms with surveys, two in which we show video content and two without. Results will be shared at Scholars Week Exhibition.