ORCA | General Poster Session
100 Years of Applied Innovation: Press Release
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Public Relations
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Dr. Melanie Shemberger
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Ivy Ledbetter Lee (1877-1934) is considered the founder & Pioneer in the field of modern public relations. Being an unbeatable lobbyist Lee created “Public Relation” as a field for “Public” instead just as job. During his winning career Lee came up with the practice for “open Communication with media” in 1912 following an event of “Pennsylvania railroad accident” which is now known as “press release”.
General Posters Session--ONLY
100 Years of Applied Innovation: Press Release
Ivy Ledbetter Lee (1877-1934) is considered the founder & Pioneer in the field of modern public relations. Being an unbeatable lobbyist Lee created “Public Relation” as a field for “Public” instead just as job. During his winning career Lee came up with the practice for “open Communication with media” in 1912 following an event of “Pennsylvania railroad accident” which is now known as “press release”.