ORCA | General Poster Session
Desensitization in Social Media
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Dr. Bellarmine Ezumah
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Media has desensitized young adults to sexual content through them seeing it fairly often. The motivation behind researching this topic is to see if college students are desensitized to sexual content in media. We believe that sexual content in media does not have a big impact on college students from ages 18-24 because they see it so much. We will be creating an online survey for students to fill out, we will email the surveys to our friends on campus and ask them to forward it out to other people that they know. We hope to have at least 100 students ages 18-24 fill out our survey.
Desensitization in Social Media
Media has desensitized young adults to sexual content through them seeing it fairly often. The motivation behind researching this topic is to see if college students are desensitized to sexual content in media. We believe that sexual content in media does not have a big impact on college students from ages 18-24 because they see it so much. We will be creating an online survey for students to fill out, we will email the surveys to our friends on campus and ask them to forward it out to other people that they know. We hope to have at least 100 students ages 18-24 fill out our survey.