SNHP | Senior Nursing Poster Session
Improving Patient and Nurse Satisfaction Through Standardized Bedside Nursing Report
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Dr. Marcia Hobbs, DNS, RN
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Effective communication is one of the key component of daily routines in the healthcare profession. Nurses are engaged in various types of communication with many healthcare providers. According to the Joint Commission (2017), one of the elements leading to sentinel occurrence is miscommunication during handoff. One of the most vital communications aspects occur when the off-going nurse is releasing patient information to the on-coming nurse during shift changes. Historically nursing handoffs have occurred via tape recording, in person at nursing station or nurses’ break-room, away from the patients and family. These kind of handoffs does not allow patient participation. Implementing a standardized approach to bedside nursing report allows the on-coming nurse to visualize the patients at the beginning of the shift and also allows patients and families to participate.
Improving Patient and Nurse Satisfaction Through Standardized Bedside Nursing Report
Effective communication is one of the key component of daily routines in the healthcare profession. Nurses are engaged in various types of communication with many healthcare providers. According to the Joint Commission (2017), one of the elements leading to sentinel occurrence is miscommunication during handoff. One of the most vital communications aspects occur when the off-going nurse is releasing patient information to the on-coming nurse during shift changes. Historically nursing handoffs have occurred via tape recording, in person at nursing station or nurses’ break-room, away from the patients and family. These kind of handoffs does not allow patient participation. Implementing a standardized approach to bedside nursing report allows the on-coming nurse to visualize the patients at the beginning of the shift and also allows patients and families to participate.