SNHP | Senior Nursing Poster Session
The Benefit of Open Visitation
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
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Dr. Marcia Hobbs, DNS, RN
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
The purpose of this project is to identify a problem within the hospital and find evidence based research supporting to either replace or change a policy related to the problem. The problem I decided to address was the open visitation policy. Staff have been incredibly frustrated by this policy and have been wanting to change it. Based on the evidence I found, it is imperative to keep this policy in place for the sake of the patient, but there are some changes to certain aspects of the policy that could be changed. My project was aimed at promoting the benefits of the open visitation policy while also suggesting changes to certain aspects of the policy.
The Benefit of Open Visitation
The purpose of this project is to identify a problem within the hospital and find evidence based research supporting to either replace or change a policy related to the problem. The problem I decided to address was the open visitation policy. Staff have been incredibly frustrated by this policy and have been wanting to change it. Based on the evidence I found, it is imperative to keep this policy in place for the sake of the patient, but there are some changes to certain aspects of the policy that could be changed. My project was aimed at promoting the benefits of the open visitation policy while also suggesting changes to certain aspects of the policy.