Author/Artist Name

Jonathan WongFollow



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Academic Level at Time of Creation


Date of Creation

Fall 5-9-2024

Artist Statement

Jonathan Wong’s artistic journey revolves around the profound connection between emotion and expression, finding solace in the realms of illustration and film. This transformative medium serves as a vessel for encapsulating the nuances of personal mental health struggles, offering a timeless reflection of emotional states.

Central to Wong's creative exploration is a focus on mental health, exploring the complexities of the human psyche and societal influences. Through pieces like "Social Media Kills," Wong delves into the pervasive impact of technology on modern society, utilizing vivid imagery and symbolism to evoke a response from viewers. Color palettes, facial expressions, and spatial composition are meticulously crafted to convey the overwhelming influence of digital media.

In Wong’s creative process, collaboration and introspection intertwine, culminating in works that speak to both personal experiences and universal truths. Drawing inspiration from luminaries like Massimo Vignelli and Paula Scherr, Wong navigates the intricacies of design with a keen eye for detail and narrative clarity.

Driven by a desire to provoke introspection and empathy, Wong’s art catalyzes dialogue and understanding. Through the medium of video, he confronts the detrimental effects of online content on mental well-being, offering a beacon of hope amongst the digital noise. Each piece invites viewers to engage with their own emotions, fostering a sense of connection and shared humanity.

Ultimately, his artistic vision transcends individual expression, advocating for the power of creativity to instigate change and promote healing. By fearlessly embracing vulnerability and authenticity, he invites others to join him on a journey of self-discovery and growth.


Mike Martin; Dr. Rebecca Williams


The themes in this portfolio consist of "mental health", but I would also like it to be about what the audience come up with as they view each piece and relate it to their own personal life. Many of my works are video, but I also have an abundance of photographs and digital media that I do on my free time! Most pieces within this collection serves as a dive into the inner workings of the human mind, inviting viewers to navigate corridors of emotion, perception, and introspection. Through a fusion of visual storytelling and immersive soundscapes, these works offer a raw and unfiltered glimpse into the diverse experiences of mental wellness and adversity. As an artist I am always growing and watching the things I'm surrounded by, my mind is like a never ending film camera that holds my ideas.

Photo Credit

Jonathan Wong

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Jonathan Wong ART 399 Portfolio



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