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Academic Level at Time of Creation
Date of Creation
Fall 12-3-2024
Artist Statement
At some time, all people struggle either mentally, physically or emotionally. Most have some form of struggle that we carry around with us. Some show their struggle while others hide it very deep down. I create illustrations to show people that they are not alone in their struggles.
I build illustrations that incorporate heavy outlines, with a tone of cartoonishness and I also incorporate type. I want the illustrations to have heavier strokes to help provide a sense of unrealisticness to very serious concepts. I incorporate text as a way of giving the piece a direct meaning. I want to create the illustration's anatomy that is genderless as a way of allowing everyone in the audience to connect more with the piece itself.
I also build typography that incorporates a hint of color with a simple layout. I want the typography to express and highlight the overall importance of a quote in which it is referencing. I think the right use of color can help enhance a point and be more eye-catching to the audience. When I create a typography I want to use phrasing in which it sounds as though the words that are being displayed are being said to the viewer themselves as a way of connecting the pieces to the viewer.
The design process for the layouts of these posters was influenced by illustrators such as Max Erwin and Carles O’Dowd. Their use of line work in their pieces is not over realistic. I find unrealistic artwork to be very comforting and somewhat cartoony. I find that cartoony artwork is a nice way of taking harsh reality and softening it down to make viewers more comfortable with the subject. I want the art I display to stimulate both the viewer’s mind and emotion. While leaving the viewer wanting more.
Sydney Robinson
Mike Martin
My art is a variety of typography and illustrations. My art varies from simplistic to complex depending upon the style in which I am working. My illustrations will most of the time have some form of aspect of type within it as a way of adding to the pieces to push my narrative further along. I like to use different varieties of color to enhance my pieces but still have a specific amount of black within my pieces as well. In my art I like to express myself and have fun and enjoy what I make.
Photo Credit
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-No Derivative Works 4.0 International License.
Recommended Citation
Robinson, Sydney, "Art399 Portfolio" (2024). Professional Practices (ART 399). 163.