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Academic Level at Time of Creation
Date of Creation
Fall 11-30-2019
Artist Statement
A porcelain kitten with an opening in the back to place my most valuable things. This is what I cherished the most as a child. The vessel to everything I cared for is what I held most dear. The reason to why I create can simply be stated that I am sentimental.
Through the investigation with manipulating glazes and clay, my ceramic work suggests a playful representation of sentimental values. I want to make a connection between myself and the viewer as I create functional pieces that have been individually treated with the utmost care and a fine attention to every detail. I want the viewer observing my work to find their own personal value in my pieces. While not having a full understanding of how glazes affect each other I want to continue to search to find a new way to manipulate the material and push the boundaries with the clay. No matter what I do I want to find a deeper understanding of clay and have new ways that I can find a connection to the form.
As I learn more about graphic design, I am acquiring the technical skills I need to begin finding my voice through experimentation within the medium. I am attracted to typography and the way you can manipulate the letters through different typefaces, variations and colors. Through my college experience I hope to improve on my typography skills, page design, and illustration by stretching my knowledge of the rules and experimenting to find a style that represents me.
In my time in Printmaking I have grown so much with my subject matter. I can see a distinction between the progress each semester. I enjoy screen and linoleum prints because of the efficiency of printing multiple works in a short amount of time. I think what draws me into printing is the attraction towards combining drawings with graphic design. I think that the intricate process of exposing a screen, mixing ink, and rolling a relief makes the time put in more rewarding when the work is finished.
Artists that inspire me are David Carson and Scott McClellan. Both of their formal quality’s catch the eye of their viewers and invites you to look deeper. I find the work of both of these artists attractive because of their unconventional and experimental styles. David Carson creates rule-breaking layouts through his graphic design that challenge the conventions of design. Scott McClellan creates rough surfaces that have irregularities in the clay and glazes to reference back to the architecture of the rock and the materials that make up the form.
Jim Bryant; John Utgaard
Screen Print
Recommended Citation
Cecil, Amillia, "Amillia Cecil" (2019). Professional Practices (ART 399). 78.