
The purpose of this project is to explain ways of preventing injuries and illnesses in the workplace. Safety and health have been major focus in most workplaces because many injuries occur every day. Activities carried out in the workplace can cause direct exposure to physical, or chemical stressors that can lead to acute illnesses or later chronic illnesses if countermeasures were not implemented by employers and no one is monitoring what the employees are exposed to. There are various ways of preventing these injuries including implementing some techniques in the workplace. It is the work of the employer to ensure that every employee who comes to work in the morning must go home with all the fingers and toes. According to the General Duty Clause the worker should be protected. It is the employee's duty to follow the regulations of the workplace in order to be safe at the end of the day. This project will focus on the identification of health and safety hazards within the workplace. Emphasis will be placed on the identification of measures to protect workers from harm.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2019

Senior Project Advisor

Tricia Jordan, PhD

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Safety Sciences

Document Type

