Ageing and its Impacts on Athletes’ Lives


This project utilizes those two approaches to age to describe the reasons as to why age matters especially for athletes. In this regard, age-related matters or issues are described in general, then with respect to sport. In sport, the project will touch on the implications that age has on athletes' lives. Studying age as a static variable provides interesting and significant similarities and differences between athletes of different ages. I also chose this topic because I am interested in understanding the impact of age on athletes’ lives because of its unique relationship to an individual’s identity. While the age group is static just as other demographic features such as race and gender, age is also a process as stated. The process begins immediately after we are born, and as people grow through the different stages, they change age groups and thus their identity. The shifts in identity are associated with unique needs. Consider, for instance, a female athlete becoming a parent. It is also essential to understand the fact that age, as a developmental process, has both positive and negative impacts on people’s (athletes) lives in general.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2019

Senior Project Advisor

Tricia Jordan

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Health & Exercise Studies

Document Type

Thesis - Murray State Access only

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