
Women’s health is a large area of the medical field that is continuing to see growth and technological advancement. Gynecological, obstetric, and breast health are fields that are always in demand, and imaging plays a large role in caring for patients in these fields. This paper will discuss different areas of women’s health and explain how imaging can be used to assist in diagnosis and treatment. Imaging can include MRI, 2D ultrasound, 3D ultrasound, and x-ray. This paper will discuss basic gynecological health, complications that can arise in gynecological health, women’s health in college, preconception care, obstetrics, obstetric complications, breast health, post menopausal health, and other women’s health issues. Some topics discussed will be endometriosis, adenomyosis, breast cancer screening and treatment, endometrial cancer, pregnancy, pelvic floor health, and ovarian masses. It will also discuss the future of women’s health. From basic gynecological health through pregnancy, breast health and menopause, imaging is a vital tool used to help medical professionals diagnose, monitor and treat women through many stages of life.

Year Manuscript Completed

Fall 2021

Senior Project Advisor

Mr. G. Michael Barton

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study

Health Care Administration

Document Type

