Sports & COVID-19


Sports & COVID-19

The Impact of COVID-19 On the Sports World

John Ramey

Murray State University

BIS 437

Professor G. Michael Barton

April 22, 2021

COVID-19 has completely reshaped our world and the way that we live. It has changed the way we educate, the way we communicate, and the way we socialize. It has changed all aspects of our way of life every single day. It also completely rocked the world of Sports. Since March of 2020 our world has been in limbo, and the sports world has been trying to adjust on the fly as well. Sports were affected at all levels and ages.

Little league sports are a pillar of American society. Kids and parents and families around the country look forward to spending nights at the ball field or in the gym. COVID-19 put a large pause in this. No more huddles in the dugout or on the field, no more team snacks after the game and a massive event cancelled.

High school and college student athletes around the country were devastated at the loss of valuable time around teammates and in some cases entire seasons. Mental health of these student athletes was tested as they had to navigate the changing academic and sports world that was now a reality with COVID-19. Universities around the country were suddenly tasked with finding a way to gain back millions in losses.

Sports leagues around the world were faced with empty stadiums and declining revenues. Players were faced with a changing discussion about mental health and trying to navigate playing through a pandemic. Social justice issues started to circulate through locker rooms and become an integral part of professional sports.

Year Manuscript Completed

Spring 2021

Senior Project Advisor

George M. Barton

Degree Awarded

Bachelor of Integrated Studies Degree

Field of Study


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