Home > Faculty Works > Faculty-Edited Journals > JPHS Journal Archive > Vol. 35 (2008) > No. 1
The Origin of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society (Based upon minutes kept by John G. Watters)
History of the Jackson Purchase Historical Society
Jackson's Purchase
Beat the Drums Proudly: A Composer Speaks
The Role of the Rivers
Madrid Bend, Where the Compass is Wrong
Points of Interest In and Around the Jackson Purchase
Historical Archaeology in the Jackson Purchase: A Prospectus
Resume of Field Trips Made By the Society
Jackson Purchase Treaty Signing Commemorated
From the President
Images From the Past
Book Review: Shiloh and the Western Campaign of 1862
Book Review: Lightening Warfare: Forrest's First West Tennessee Campaign December 1862
Book Review: Lonnie and Brooksie Maness: Aspects of Their Lives and Times
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ISSN: 0890-8052