Eastern Kentucky University

Challenging Behaviors and Interventions in High School Students

Grade Level at Time of Presentation




Institution 24-25

Eastern Kentucky University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Dept. of Psychology


Challenging behaviors, especially in high schools, are behaviors that inhibit learning, inhibit the safety of oneself and others, and can bring about isolation. This project explores the interventions that school faculty and staff used to reduce or prevent challenging behaviors along with the effectiveness of such interventions, as described by undergraduate college students reflecting on their years in high school. The hypothesis for this project is that undergraduate college students who graduated from high school in the last 5 years are more likely to witness positive behavior interventions than undergraduate college students who graduated from high school more than 5 years ago.

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Challenging Behaviors and Interventions in High School Students

Challenging behaviors, especially in high schools, are behaviors that inhibit learning, inhibit the safety of oneself and others, and can bring about isolation. This project explores the interventions that school faculty and staff used to reduce or prevent challenging behaviors along with the effectiveness of such interventions, as described by undergraduate college students reflecting on their years in high school. The hypothesis for this project is that undergraduate college students who graduated from high school in the last 5 years are more likely to witness positive behavior interventions than undergraduate college students who graduated from high school more than 5 years ago.