Morehead State University

Grade Level at Time of Presentation



Horticulture Sciences

Institution 24-25

Morehead State University

KY House District #

90, 99

KY Senate District #

30, 27


Department of Agriculture


Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is one of the most well-known vegetables in the world. About 27 million tons of lettuce were produced in the world in 2022 and global demand for lettuce is increasing steadily, driven by the importance of fiber consumption. Lettuce can be grown in multiple media, including hydroponic systems in a controlled environment agriculture (CEA) system. Growing lettuce in hydroponic systems is an alternative to lettuce production optimization. Since little information is available about lettuce cultivar trials in hydroponic systems, a research project was developed and executed to study the ability of different types of lettuce cultivars in a hydroponic system and to assess the effect of light, humidity, and temperature on the yield. The experiment was conducted in 2024 in the Department of Agricultural Science lab at Morehead State University. Eight lettuce cultivars including, Romaine type (Vivian, Outredgeous, Paris Island, Amadeous, and Salvius), butter type (Bibb), loose-leaf type (Bowl), and oakleaf type (Emerald) were evaluated for their seed viability and planted directly on rock wools (Rockwool Starter Plugs) in 2-inch Garden Net Pot in hydroponic containers (77×52×36 cm, 102 L). The commercial aquarium pumps constantly aerated the nutrient solution. Plants were fertilized with all-purpose Plant Food, and the Standard Hydroponic solution controlled the pH. The TDS and EC were also monitored. Artificial light was provided by a mix of different lights (µmol/m2 /s), including LEC, LED, and Fluorescent, for 16 hours daily under different temperatures (°C) and humidity (%). Biological control products were used for pest and disease control. The lettuce was harvested after 60 days, and the fresh and dry yields were weighed and then calculated. Dried leaves were ground and sent for analysis.



Performance of Eight Lettuce Cultivars in a Water Culture System

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) is one of the most well-known vegetables in the world. About 27 million tons of lettuce were produced in the world in 2022 and global demand for lettuce is increasing steadily, driven by the importance of fiber consumption. Lettuce can be grown in multiple media, including hydroponic systems in a controlled environment agriculture (CEA) system. Growing lettuce in hydroponic systems is an alternative to lettuce production optimization. Since little information is available about lettuce cultivar trials in hydroponic systems, a research project was developed and executed to study the ability of different types of lettuce cultivars in a hydroponic system and to assess the effect of light, humidity, and temperature on the yield. The experiment was conducted in 2024 in the Department of Agricultural Science lab at Morehead State University. Eight lettuce cultivars including, Romaine type (Vivian, Outredgeous, Paris Island, Amadeous, and Salvius), butter type (Bibb), loose-leaf type (Bowl), and oakleaf type (Emerald) were evaluated for their seed viability and planted directly on rock wools (Rockwool Starter Plugs) in 2-inch Garden Net Pot in hydroponic containers (77×52×36 cm, 102 L). The commercial aquarium pumps constantly aerated the nutrient solution. Plants were fertilized with all-purpose Plant Food, and the Standard Hydroponic solution controlled the pH. The TDS and EC were also monitored. Artificial light was provided by a mix of different lights (µmol/m2 /s), including LEC, LED, and Fluorescent, for 16 hours daily under different temperatures (°C) and humidity (%). Biological control products were used for pest and disease control. The lettuce was harvested after 60 days, and the fresh and dry yields were weighed and then calculated. Dried leaves were ground and sent for analysis.


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