Murray State University

Seasonal Changes and Possible Sources of Dissolved Calcium Levels in Streams, River, and Lake Waters in Western Kentucky

Grade Level at Time of Presentation





Sustainability Studies

Institution 24-25

Murray State University

KY House District #


KY Senate District #



Department of Chemistry and Watershed Studies Institute, Murray State University



Calcium is an essential element in ecosystems for many levels of the food chain to maintain ecosystem health and to sustain biodiversity. Many species of bivalve mollusks survive, reproduce, and maintain normal populations in rivers, lakes and oceans only where calcium concentrations were sufficient. Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are an exotic and invasive mollusk that are known for their “biofouling” capabilities costing billions of dollars in their removal from industrial, public, and power plant water supply lines. Calcium is one of the essential elements that contributes to the growth and reproduction of zebra mussels. Calcium concentrations of 25-28 mg/L are considered the threshold for survival and reproduction of zebra mussels. The purpose of this study was to determine if dissolved calcium levels in the lower parts of Kentucky Lake had increased and reached zebra mussels survival and reproduction threshold. Surface water samples were collected during Kentucky Lake Monitoring Program (KLMP) cruises as well as from two tributary streams. Samples were filtered using 0.45 µm filters, acidified and analyzed for calcium using an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Calcium levels in Kentucky Lake and tributary streams were examined for seasonal and long-term temporal trends. Results revealed that relatively higher concentration of dissolved calcium was found in Kentucky Lake channel sites than from embayment and streams. In general, calcium levels showed seasonal variation with increasing concentration during winter and early spring months. Application of road salts during these colder months and runoff from these activities may influence the calcium concentrations in these waters. Increasing levels of these calcium ions may play a role in the elevated occurrences of zebra mussels in Kentucky Lake.

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Seasonal Changes and Possible Sources of Dissolved Calcium Levels in Streams, River, and Lake Waters in Western Kentucky


Calcium is an essential element in ecosystems for many levels of the food chain to maintain ecosystem health and to sustain biodiversity. Many species of bivalve mollusks survive, reproduce, and maintain normal populations in rivers, lakes and oceans only where calcium concentrations were sufficient. Zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha) are an exotic and invasive mollusk that are known for their “biofouling” capabilities costing billions of dollars in their removal from industrial, public, and power plant water supply lines. Calcium is one of the essential elements that contributes to the growth and reproduction of zebra mussels. Calcium concentrations of 25-28 mg/L are considered the threshold for survival and reproduction of zebra mussels. The purpose of this study was to determine if dissolved calcium levels in the lower parts of Kentucky Lake had increased and reached zebra mussels survival and reproduction threshold. Surface water samples were collected during Kentucky Lake Monitoring Program (KLMP) cruises as well as from two tributary streams. Samples were filtered using 0.45 µm filters, acidified and analyzed for calcium using an Atomic Absorption Spectrometer. Calcium levels in Kentucky Lake and tributary streams were examined for seasonal and long-term temporal trends. Results revealed that relatively higher concentration of dissolved calcium was found in Kentucky Lake channel sites than from embayment and streams. In general, calcium levels showed seasonal variation with increasing concentration during winter and early spring months. Application of road salts during these colder months and runoff from these activities may influence the calcium concentrations in these waters. Increasing levels of these calcium ions may play a role in the elevated occurrences of zebra mussels in Kentucky Lake.