Senior Nursing Poster Session (Virtual)
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Jessica Naber
Presentation Format
Poster Presentation
Distraction with Routine Childhood Immunizations
Most of us have been through the process of gettingimmunizations, whether we remember it or not we know that it can be a painful but necessary process for children to go through. With that being said if there was something that nurses could do to decrease the pain and distress the child is put through wouldn’t you want your nurse to practice this pain reducing method. Distraction has been shown to have a large impact on the pain and distress that the children feels during the immunization process. Research doesn’t give one specific distraction method that would work best for all children, the ones that will be presented were the most common interventions.Music therapy, virtual reality, electronic toys, key rattles, and simple toys have been proven to reduce the pain that the children feel during the immunizations. In all of these studies there has been a pain scale used and in the experimental groups the levels have been reduced due to the distraction intervention. In summation, these distraction interventions would be easy to implement into the health department policies and would benefit the children during their routine immunizations.
Key words:
Immunizations, childhood, distraction, reduced pain, Health department
Spring Scholars Week 2020 Event
General Scholars Week Posters (Non-Juried)
Distraction with Routine Childhood Immunization
Distraction with Routine Childhood Immunizations
Most of us have been through the process of gettingimmunizations, whether we remember it or not we know that it can be a painful but necessary process for children to go through. With that being said if there was something that nurses could do to decrease the pain and distress the child is put through wouldn’t you want your nurse to practice this pain reducing method. Distraction has been shown to have a large impact on the pain and distress that the children feels during the immunization process. Research doesn’t give one specific distraction method that would work best for all children, the ones that will be presented were the most common interventions.Music therapy, virtual reality, electronic toys, key rattles, and simple toys have been proven to reduce the pain that the children feel during the immunizations. In all of these studies there has been a pain scale used and in the experimental groups the levels have been reduced due to the distraction intervention. In summation, these distraction interventions would be easy to implement into the health department policies and would benefit the children during their routine immunizations.
Key words:
Immunizations, childhood, distraction, reduced pain, Health department