CHFA | Psychology Department Showcase: Projects In-Process

The Prevalence of Technology and Blue Light in the Sleep Habits of College Students

Presenter Information

Mirielle ErpeldingFollow

Academic Level at Time of Presentation





Family and Consumer Sciences

List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)

Dr. Megan St. Peters

Presentation Format

Poster Presentation


Sleep quality and quantity greatly influences one's emotions, cognitions, and behaviors. However, research consistently illustrates a variety of factors that impede good sleep hygiene in college students. This study is designed to describe sleep hygiene in students at Murray State University. Online survey data will be collected on sleep duration, subjective sleep quality, and a variety of factors that may contribute to sleep hygiene over the last month. Factors include personal habits like alcohol use, caffeine intake, social life activities, use of electronic devices, and use of blue light filtering features of electronic devices. The purpose is to identify areas of weakness. It is anticipated that students spend a lot of time on various screen types in the evenings and that they may not be aware of (or choose to use) blue light filtering features. By identifying areas of weakness in MSU students, future studies can target educational and/or behavioral interventions in an attempt to improve sleep hygiene in college students. The overarching goal is to help students improve their sleep habits, ultimately improving their quality of life.

Spring Scholars Week 2022 Event

Psychology: Projects In-Progress

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The Prevalence of Technology and Blue Light in the Sleep Habits of College Students

Sleep quality and quantity greatly influences one's emotions, cognitions, and behaviors. However, research consistently illustrates a variety of factors that impede good sleep hygiene in college students. This study is designed to describe sleep hygiene in students at Murray State University. Online survey data will be collected on sleep duration, subjective sleep quality, and a variety of factors that may contribute to sleep hygiene over the last month. Factors include personal habits like alcohol use, caffeine intake, social life activities, use of electronic devices, and use of blue light filtering features of electronic devices. The purpose is to identify areas of weakness. It is anticipated that students spend a lot of time on various screen types in the evenings and that they may not be aware of (or choose to use) blue light filtering features. By identifying areas of weakness in MSU students, future studies can target educational and/or behavioral interventions in an attempt to improve sleep hygiene in college students. The overarching goal is to help students improve their sleep habits, ultimately improving their quality of life.