Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations
Culvert Design and Roadway Restoration of Cavett Road at Damon Creek
Academic Level at Time of Presentation
Civil and Sustainability Engineering
List all Project Mentors & Advisor(s)
Dr. Mahnaz Valipour; Dr. Clay Goodman; Dr. Karim Farokhnia
Presentation Format
Oral Presentation
Cavett Road is a rural two-lane road in Kirksey, Kentucky that crosses Damon Creek. This crossing often floods, leading to road blockage during storms and the washing-away of the road surface. This project is meant to develop solutions to increase the drainage of Damon Creek using under-road culverts to allow water to cross under the roadway before flooding it, as well as to improve roadway conditions such as the road's surface and elevation. In looking into these improvements, this project encompasses many disciplines within civil engineering, including hydraulics, transportation design, geotechnical, and structural engineering.
Spring Scholars Week 2024 Event
Honors College Senior Thesis Presentations
Culvert Design and Roadway Restoration of Cavett Road at Damon Creek
Cavett Road is a rural two-lane road in Kirksey, Kentucky that crosses Damon Creek. This crossing often floods, leading to road blockage during storms and the washing-away of the road surface. This project is meant to develop solutions to increase the drainage of Damon Creek using under-road culverts to allow water to cross under the roadway before flooding it, as well as to improve roadway conditions such as the road's surface and elevation. In looking into these improvements, this project encompasses many disciplines within civil engineering, including hydraulics, transportation design, geotechnical, and structural engineering.