""Overly casual emails in the workplace" (Pre-Registration Report)" by Emeline Hecht and Geoffrey Luurs

Editor's Notes

The original submission was received on January 24, 2019. The version of the manuscript included here was received on April 9, 2019. The revisions made were to structure the report more closely after the Open Science Foundation (https://osf.io/) model for scientific study pre-registrations.

-A. Boston


The requirements, expectations, and desires of supervisors are important to meet as young people graduate from college and enter a workforce where intergenerational differences in digital communication patterns are a concern. Navigating the relationship between supervisor and subordinate is paramount for professional success. To better understand the communication needs that supervisors hold, this research will examine appropriate and inappropriate messages deployed in the supervisor/subordinate relationship within organizations.Following data collection, we will detail factors that influence supervisors’ willingness to comply with the requests of their subordinates, such as the supervisor’s levels of familiarity with the subordinate, the supervisor’s attitude toward informal messaging, and the supervisor’s perception of their subordinate’s credibility. Although digital technologies make it easier to send messages, it is more important now than ever that we develop the communication skills required to navigate professional relationships and, in effect, improve workplace communication.



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