"Keep the Faith Not the Guilt: Demonization of Sex Workers" by Jessica Hodges

Editor's Notes

Within Keep the Faith Not the Guilt: Demonization of Sex Workers, Hodges studies how religious attitudes affect views toward sexual topics that tend to be more conservative or negative. In addition to this, the student looks into how one's sexual guilt may be the mediating influence between religiosity and negative sexual attitudes.


Previous research shows that religiosity and attitudes about sexual topics are strongly correlated and typically negative. That is, as religiosity increases, views toward sexual topics tend to become more conservative or generally more negative in valence. However, current research also suggests that one’s sexual guilt may be the mediating influence in the relationship between religiosity and negative sexual attitudes. The present study seeks to replicate and extend research that examined the extent to which an individual's religiosity and sexual guilt influence their perspective of pornography and sex workers (Study 1). To replicate this (Study 2), a survey containing relevant measures will be distributed to undergraduate participants as well as individuals from Amazon.com’s MTurk.


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